Do you know which of the 6 phototypes you are?

¿Conoces cuál de los 6 fototipos eres?

Have you heard about this?

If not, don't worry, we will explain what this system consists of and what it is for.

Phototypes function as a classification of human skin that allows us to know its sensitivity to ultraviolet light. Rather than being based on the color of your skin, it seeks to evaluate the level of skin sensitivity to light through the way it reacts to it.  

Phototypes allow us to know the level of adaptation to the sun that the skin of human beings has with the support of a set of characteristics that are:  

  • Eye color  
  • natural hair color  
  • Non-photoexposed skin color  
  • Skin color versus prolonged exposure to the sun or ultraviolet light  

Once we have this data, we will classify the skin by grade. Remember that the lower the level, the higher the skin sensitivity and the lower the ability to counteract the effects of solar radiation on the skin.  


Currently, we know 6 different phototypes that classify the skin according to the aforementioned characteristics:


  • phototype-01 Phototype l: People whose skin is very light, natural hair color blonde, red or orange and blue or green eyes. They burn very easily when exposed to the sun and their level of tanning is very low or non-existent.

  • phototype-02 Phototype ll: People with light or pale skin, with freckles, natural blonde or red hair color and blue, green or brown eyes. Usually their skin burns and reddens very easily and they can slowly tan.

  • phototype-03 Phototype lll: People with light skin in winter, who tans in summer, with blonde or light brown hair color and green or brown eyes. When exposed to the sun for a long time, they tend to tan and redden in moderation.

  • phototype-04 Phototype IV: People with slightly dark skin, natural dark brown hair color and brown eyes. Your skin easily takes on a golden hue when exposed to the sun and its level of redness is low.  

  • phototype-05 Phototype V: People with dark skin, natural hair color and brown or black eyes. They are characterized by tanning very easily without having to expose themselves to the sun for a long time. Reddening will only occur when you are exposed to excessive ultraviolet radiation.

  • phototype-06 Phototype VI: People with black skin, natural hair color very dark brown or black. They don't redden, they tan instantly.  

Remember that, regardless of your phototype, avoid sun exposure during peak hours. Apply your favorite SunVeil , every 3-4 hours. Complement by wearing clothing that covers most of your body.